About Hanok Village

To better understand the house, let me provide you with some explanations. The Pungnam-dong area in Jeonju is home to the largest cluster of traditional hanok houses in South Korea, with over 700 hanok houses forming a village. It is also the only urban hanok village in the country. The village has a significant historical value as it played a crucial role in the development of modern residential culture in Korea since its establishment in 1910. It is a unique space with important cultural heritage sites such as Gyeonggijeon, Omokdae, and Hyanggyo, as well as over 20 cultural facilities scattered throughout.

In fact, Kkachi's neighboring houses are still inhabited by elderly residents, including grandmothers and grandfathers. Similarly, Kkachi itself was an actual residential house. 

Here, I have the house registration document and house records. As you can see, it states that it was built in 1968. Quite fascinating, isn't it?

Let me show you the old appearance of Kkachi. This place used to be a hanok where grandma and her family lived until recently. Although the house is not very large, it accommodated five people. It's truly remarkable. The reason why Kkachi's standard occupancy is four adults is inspired by this place. Nowadays, we tend to use separate rooms and have individualistic lifestyles. However, the spirit of hanok is about living under one roof, where a family supports and interacts with each other, and sounds can be heard through windows and doors. In reality, the mothers were thrilled to be able to fall asleep with their grown-up sons after a long time.

When I saw this, I made a commitment to preserve the traditional hanok atmosphere while renovating the house. I entrusted a professional architect to design it, and we carefully created the renovation plans.

(창문) First, if you look at the windows of the front and back rooms, you'll notice that they have been preserved in their original sizes. Some suggested enlarging the windows to create a more sophisticated look, similar to sliding windows, but I insisted on keeping the window frames as they were to maintain the quaint charm of the hanok. We actually implemented traditional window frames, and you can see them here (sound of sliding). Similarly, the bricks on the front and back walls have been preserved in their original form and color, representing the bricks from the past that are no longer available. 

(그림) Oh, this painting was also passed down to us by the previous homeowner.

Moreover, you should definitely take a look at the "chagyeong," which is an important feature of hanok. Chagyeong refers to borrowing the landscape, and it's one of the charming aspects of hanok. It means looking at the scenery as if through a framed painting by opening the windows. When you stand here, you can see the ridgeline of Namgo  Mountain and the eaves of the roof tiles, right? This is the biggest highlight of Kkachi's chagyeong, and the breathtaking view played a significant role in our decision to sign the contract. It truly offers a beautiful landscape that seems to penetrate through the heart.

Similarly, if you sit here or on the daybed, you can also enjoy the chagyeong of the neighboring house. Take your time and immerse yourself in the surroundings, just as if you were visiting a traditional nobleman's house.

(족욕 및 카운터) Oh! Finally, Kkachi used natural materials to preserve the authenticity of the hanok. The kitchen countertop, for example, is made of processed stone, and the raised floor or foot bath area also incorporates natural stone for a more natural look.

(디자인) Using the materials used in the construction of the house, the brand designer created name tags and an explanatory note for us. As you can see, the name tags were designed using colors extracted from the construction materials. You can take these as a gift if you like.

Kkachi is considered the national bird of South Korea and is said to bring good news or bring in good guests. We highly value all the guests who come to visit us and are sincerely grateful. Therefore, Kkachi is a place that reflects our appreciation for our guests.

위 사진들은 공사 전 모습으로

까치는 실제 총 다섯 분이 거주했던 한옥입니다.

할머니, 할아버지, 아버지, 어머니, 손녀 이렇게 3대가 함께 살았던 집이라고 해요 :)

아주 큰 집은 아니지만 수용인원을 총 성인 네 분으로 정하게 된 이유도 이 부분에서 아이디어를 얻었습니다.

현대식 주거공간에선 각 방을 사용하며 모두 따로따로 생활을 하지만 한옥은 한 지붕 아래서 옹기종기 살던 모습이 특유의 정취를 나타낸다고 생각했기 때문입니다.

까치의 서까래 역시 그대로 보존되어 있는 상태로
두껍게 발려있던 스테인을 모두 벗겨내 본래의 색을 찾았습니다.

마찬가지로 한옥의 정취를 살리기 위해 거실의 양 창과 안방의 창문 역시 실제 사이즈 그대로 보존해두었습니다.

까치의 차경

또한 풍경을 빌린다라는 뜻의 "차경"을 까치 곳곳에서 확인하실 수 있습니다 특히 툇마루에 서서 보이는 남고산의 능선과 기와를 꼭 한 번 봐주세요 :)

"전주한옥마을 까치는 한옥의 기능을 갖추는 것에 설계 초점이 맞춰져 있다. 툇마루는 스테이 공간과 마당을 연결해 주는 역할을 하며 내부에 설치된 창을 통해서 까치 주변의 차경을 바라볼 수 있다. 한옥의 모습 그 자체를 경치로 바라보는 우리 선조들의 시선을 빌려 까치에서는 모든 방향에서 한옥의 모습을 마치 액자처럼 볼 수 있었다."

by 아키프레소 김진철